Categories Archives: News

Yes, August is almost over, and summer too. That’s good and bad: bad for the obvious reasons that the warm weather is passing by, and those of us who live in New York City know what the deeper meaning of that is. But there are good parts of it too:   More...

The new T shirts are here! These were expressly printed up to promote the First Stage EP, and will only be available as long as they last! What makes them special? Well, they’re printed on both sides, and the back features the songs on the CD. You c  More...

Check this out! The 360 Rock Radio networks had added up to their Top 30 on a few of their stations this week! Still waiting for your chance to buy the EP? It’s available in the store now! Or you   More...

Here’s some fun news: we’ve now got a website in Japan! If you’re into that sort of thing, go ahead and check it out here:

Good news! iTunes has fixed the issue, and so now all you have to do to get a digital copy of the EP is go to your iTunes store and search for Outpost 79. You will notice that the album lists itself as First Stage – Single. That’s just somethi  More...